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Hot off the presses, and squarely in the middle of the greatest controversy of our times, I present the terrifying visage of a neighbor taking action against the sickening plague of pickleball. This new beloved Baby Boomer past time infects every corner of America and the infection grows into subsequent generations. Those living near the courts endure sun-up to sun-down clip clop clip clop from those paddles and understandably, they’re sick of it. When you pit Boomer against Boomer when fun is involved, you can be sure it’ll require courts and probably a handgun as we move into the future.
Dark Pickleball
Dear Quentin Tarantino.
I’ll need you here tomorrow.
I think you’ll need your camera
and you’ll see how Kill Bill ends.
Pickleball you’re finished.
Clip-clip. Clip-clop. Quidditch.
I filed a complaint at the Town Hall.
Dark pickleball.
Dark pickleball.
Dark pickleball.