Impolite Violet

Impolite Violet

    Optional random key of the week: A# minor (probably think about Bb minor) Chords: A#m, B#dim, C#aug, D#m, E#, E#7, F#, Gxdim Start:…

Amoral Iambs

Amoral Iambs

  Optional random key of the week: G minor Chords: Gm, Adim, Bbaug, Cm, D, D7, Eb, F#dim Start: September 16, 2024 Due: September 22,…

Feeble Seance

Feeble Seance

  Optional random key of the week: Eb minor Chords: Ebm, Fdim, Gbaug, Abm, Bb, Bb7, Cb, Ddim Start: September 9, 2024 Due: September 15,…

Camisole Enigma

Camisole Enigma

  Optional random key of the week: Bb major Chords: Bb, Cm, Dm, Eb, F, F7, Gm, Adim Start: August 26, 2024 Due: September 1,…

Pepsi One Asylum

Pepsi One Asylum

  Optional random key of the week: D major Chords: D, Em, F#m, G, A, A7, Bm, C#dim Start: August 19, 2024 Due: August 25,…

Matryoska Nemo

Matryoska Nemo

    Optional random key of the week: A major Chords: A, Bm, C#m, D, E, E7, F#m, G#dim Start: August 12, 2024 Due: August…

Ecstasy Nun

Ecstasy Nun

  Optional random key of the week: A minor Chords: Am, Bdim, Caug, Dm, E, E7, F, G#dim Start: August 5, 2024 Due: August 11,…

The Armada

The Armada

Optional random key of the week: D major (phew!) Chords: D, Em, F#m, G, A, A7, Bm, C#dim Start: July 29, 2024 Due: August 4,…

Blackened Camus

Blackened Camus

Optional random key of the week: Cb Major (Laughing … yes it’s a real key) (But it’s really the key of B.)  Chords: Cb, Dbm,…

Trash Panda Opus

Trash Panda Opus

Why? Just why? Optional random key of the week: C# minor Chords: C#m D#dim Eaug F#m G# G#7 A B#dim Start: July 8, 2024 Due: July 14, 2024…

Aha! Spice Tale!

Aha! Spice Tale!

AHA! SPICE TALE!  Optional random key of the week: B♭ major Chords: B♭ Cm Dm E♭ F F7 Gm Adim Start: June 24, 2024 Due: June 30, 2024…

Wit Tossers Abs

Wit Tossers Abs

  Key of D D, Em, F#m, G, A, A7, Bm, C#dim [D] picture our girl with muscles — she’s a flosser that [Bm] six…

Smooch Nanobot

Smooch Nanobot

SMOOCH NANOBOT Optional random key of the week: D Minor Chords: Dm Edim Faug Gm A A7 Bb C#dim Start: June 17, 2024 Due: June…

Satanism Crumbs

Satanism Crumbs

SATANISM CRUMBS Optional random key of the week: E♭ major  Chords: E♭ Fm Gm A♭ Bb Bb7 Cm Ddim Start: June 10, 2024 Due: June…

Cannibal Eggnog

Cannibal Eggnog

CANNIBAL EGGNOG Optional random key of the week: A major Chords: A Bm C#m D E E7 F#m Start: June 3, 2024 Due: June 9,…

Dark Pickleball

Dark Pickleball

Hot off the presses, and squarely in the middle of the greatest controversy of our times, I present the terrifying visage of a neighbor taking…

Paladin’s Curfew

Paladin’s Curfew

In this epidsode, a knight in shining armor prepares for the great beyond. He’s not the bundle of joy and power we’re accustomed to seeing,…

Dah Oddest Hypo

Dah Oddest Hypo

In this epidsode, we’re faced with the challenging dilemma of a hypodermic needle from Boston offering the mixed blessing of a fanciful trip to Cairo…

Eve’s Lautrec

Eve’s Lautrec

In this epidsode, Eve’s reviewing her life. She’s sitting in her room looking at a painting of her done by Toulouse Lautrec in Hell. He’s…